
Updating styled components is usually as simple as npm install. Only major versions have the potential to introduce breaking changes (noted in the following release notes).


Patch Changes

  • 246c77b: Resolve TS error related to ExoticComponentWithDisplayName API from React.
  • 4757191: Native typings weren't on the correct folder, which caused issues on React Native projects using this library


Patch Changes

  • b9688ae: chore: update postcss to version 8.4.49 and nanoid to version 3.3.8


Patch Changes

  • 6908326: Add changesets for release management
  • 18ebf6d: Prevent styled() from injecting an undefined ref prop in React 19


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

New Contributors

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What's Changed

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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


Revert adding peerDependencies from v6.1.7; apparently some package managers have differing behaviors around peerDependenciesMeta[package].optional which is causing issues. Will revisit at a later date if possible.

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

  • chore: add all missing peer dependency statements by @quantizor in

    NOTE: this change may cause some installed dependency duplication until this NPM bug is addressed but yarn and pnpm have correct behavior. Bun also has a similar bug.

    Overall these changes ensure that styled-components is specifying a known working version of all utilized libraries, while instructing the client package manager that higher semver-compliant versions are permissible and should work, assuming the relevant libraries are compliant in practice.

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

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What's Changed

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What's Changed

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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

New Contributors

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What's Changed

New Contributors

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fix bundling to not hardcode window (should fix some testing use cases that were incorrectly assuming a server environment when JSDOM and similar are in use)

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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

New Contributors

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What's Changed

New Contributors

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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


Fixed an issue where a dev-time warning was being triggered too eagerly.

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components

Changed in this version

  • fix(types): prevent prop bleed on styling properties (fixes #4053, c0f8015af64367938ff9d9debf90fb8005459c6c)
  • feat(types): ship csstype via "CSS" namespace (e6c4f0a6b1a1c483cf0c433f0d0434bbda124d2c)
  • chore: bump stylis to 4.3 (fixes #4007, fa58875dcbdbff43532c3b9519eb5fc7d009830d)
  • reduced some sources of unnecessary branching logic

Breaking changes in v6

Migration guide →

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • StyleSheetManager
    • replaced disableVendorPrefixes with enableVendorPrefixes prop
    • dropped automatic vendor prefixing; if you need to support older browsers, you can re-enable it easily with the above prop tsx <StyleSheetManager enableVendorPrefixes> {/* your React tree and ThemeProvider goes here */} </StyleSheetManager>
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components

Changed in this version

Breaking changes in v6

Migration guide →

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • StyleSheetManager
    • replaced disableVendorPrefixes with enableVendorPrefixes prop
    • dropped automatic vendor prefixing; if you need to support older browsers, you can re-enable it easily with the above prop tsx <StyleSheetManager enableVendorPrefixes> {/* your React tree and ThemeProvider goes here */} </StyleSheetManager>
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components

Changed in this version

New Contributors

Breaking changes in v6

Migration guide →

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • StyleSheetManager
    • replaced disableVendorPrefixes with enableVendorPrefixes prop
    • dropped automatic vendor prefixing; if you need to support older browsers, you can re-enable it easily with the above prop tsx <StyleSheetManager enableVendorPrefixes> {/* your React tree and ThemeProvider goes here */} </StyleSheetManager>
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


Full Changelog:


Removed use of the useDebugValue hook to rectify older React support.

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components

Changed in this version

New Contributors


  • v6 migration documentation

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • StyleSheetManager
    • replaced disableVendorPrefixes with enableVendorPrefixes prop
    • dropped automatic vendor prefixing; if you need to support older browsers, you can re-enable it easily with the above prop tsx <StyleSheetManager enableVendorPrefixes> {/* your React tree and ThemeProvider goes here */} </StyleSheetManager>
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components

Changed in this version

  • bump stylis to 4.2.0 to enable @layer rule support


  • v6 migration documentation

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • StyleSheetManager
    • replaced disableVendorPrefixes with enableVendorPrefixes prop
    • dropped automatic vendor prefixing; if you need to support older browsers, you can re-enable it easily with the above prop tsx <StyleSheetManager enableVendorPrefixes> {/* your React tree and ThemeProvider goes here */} </StyleSheetManager>
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

Changed in this version


Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • StyleSheetManager
    • replaced disableVendorPrefixes with enableVendorPrefixes prop
    • dropped automatic vendor prefixing; if you need to support older browsers, you can re-enable it easily with the above prop tsx <StyleSheetManager enableVendorPrefixes> {/* your React tree and ThemeProvider goes here */} </StyleSheetManager>
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

New Contributors (thank you!)

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

Changed in this version

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • StyleSheetManager
    • replaced disableVendorPrefixes with enableVendorPrefixes prop
    • dropped automatic vendor prefixing; if you need to support older browsers, you can re-enable it easily with the above prop tsx <StyleSheetManager enableVendorPrefixes> {/* your React tree and ThemeProvider goes here */} </StyleSheetManager>
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

New Contributors (thank you!)

Full Changelog:



yarn add styled-components@beta

Changed in this version

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • StyleSheetManager
    • replaced disableVendorPrefixes with enableVendorPrefixes prop
    • dropped automatic vendor prefixing; if you need to support older browsers, you can re-enable it easily with the above prop tsx <StyleSheetManager enableVendorPrefixes> {/* your React tree and ThemeProvider goes here */} </StyleSheetManager>
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

New Contributors (thank you!)

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

Changed in this version

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

New Contributors (thank you!)

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

Changed in this version

  • fix(types): restore exotic component prop passing (f678107f420ecf5454aa6326bd6819d83a61c09d); this restores React.ComponentProps<typeof MyStyledComponent> support
  • add "exports" config in package.json
  • minor dependency updates
  • thank you @marmite22 for updating a test that was not getting properly run

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

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What's Changed

fix(constants): rework process env guard

Full Changelog:


  • fix: (React Native) passing testID as attrs property by @ku8ar (see #3857)

  • fix: prevent crash when process.env is not defined by Suhas R (see #3957)

  • Add support for the translate attribute as a valid prop by @ay4toh5i (see #3619)

  • remove Ukraine message; it's now out of date and the message has been received


yarn add styled-components@beta

Changed in this version

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

Changed in this version

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

What's Changed

New Contributors

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

What's Changed

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

What's Changed

  • feat(StyleSheetManager): add optional namespacing (#3881); replaces functionality in the babel plugin to be performed at runtime
  • breaking refactor: remove deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • feat: add styled as named export as well (5aed9e3f84cd52fa053693d5b66dc5a0f0c82ee9); note that this syntax will probably not work with the babel plugin until it is updated
  • chore: dependency maintenance, including rollup upgrades

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

What's Changed

Breaking changes in v6 (as of this version)

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

What's Changed

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

What's Changed

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


yarn add styled-components@beta

What's Changed

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:


What's Changed


  • $as and $forwardedAs will be removed in the next major version, use the unprefixed props instead

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

v6.0.0 beta 2

yarn add styled-components@beta

What's Changed

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:

v6.0.0 beta 1

yarn add styled-components@beta

What's Changed

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

Full Changelog:

v6.0.0 beta 0

yarn add styled-components@beta

What's Changed

Breaking changes in v6

  • now using stylis v4 (if using stylis-plugin-rtl you'll need to upgrade to the newer version)
  • styled-components now provides its own types; if you installed @types/styled-components in the past, you'll want to remove it
  • dropped $as and $forwardedAs props (use as or forwardedAs)
  • dropped automatic prop filtering; use transient props ($ prefix) for stuff you don't want to be passed to child component / HTML
  • dropped deprecated withComponent API (87f511a228e5b13b1ff70a416409e0705e5bf456); use "as" prop instead
  • node >= 14 needed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


  • Fix types associated with styled-components/macros
  • Add optional peer dependency for babel-plugin-styled-components (required for macros)

Updated sandbox for alpha:

Full Changelog:


  • Added type for CSSProp (this is in definitely typed but wasn't exposed by us)
  • Exposed more base types

Recommended styled-components.d.ts setup for your project:

// create styled-components.d.ts in your project source
// if it isn't being picked up, check tsconfig compilerOptions.types
import type { CSSProp } from 'styled-components';
import Theme from './theme';

type ThemeType = typeof Theme;

declare module 'styled-components' {
  export interface DefaultTheme extends ThemeType {}

declare module 'react' {
  interface DOMAttributes<T> {
    css?: CSSProp;

Full Changelog:


Added "types" package.json fields for TS type acquistion.

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Add statement of solidarity against the war on Ukraine 🇺🇦


Fixed the TS declarations not getting emitted correctly by rollup.

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After an epic amount of refactoring, I'm pleased to announce the first alpha of styled-components v6!


  1. styled-components is now written in TypeScript and ships its own types
  2. stylis v4
  3. tons of bug fixes
  4. node 14+ now required

Full Changelog:


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


  • Fix forced server-side mode not triggering global styles (See #3566)

  • Fix SSR collisions caused by insufficient hash inputs and reordering of groups on the client, which is a regression in v5.2.0 (See #3563)

  • Fix dynamic creation React warning for React v18, backported to v5 by @lynndylanhurley (See #3564)

  • Add missing typeof window check when checking for duplicate instances of styled-components (See #3553)

  • Prevent ServerStyleSheet from emitting empty style tags, which would cause issues in IE11 (See #3555)

  • Support css tagged templates inside style objects, by @roginfarrer and @dvingo (See #3469)


  • Pass elementToBeCreated as a third parameter to shouldForwardProp so that the user-specified function can decide whether to pass through props based on whether the created element will be a tag or another component. (see #3436)

  • Fix React Native components accepts function as style prop. (see #3389)


fix an issue with an unguarded window accessor in a SSR path (see #3446)

  • For React Native based components, pass testID down to the native component if specified for an easier time testing. (see #3365)

  • Enable users of the babel macro to customize the styled-components import with importModuleName (see #3422)

  • [fix] COMPLEX_SELECTOR_PREFIX.includes wasn't transpiled (see #3397)


Tweak server-side build settings to resolve an issue with jest-dom not being able to pick up generated styles (see #3308) thanks @Lazyuki


  • Make sure StyleSheetManager renders all styles in iframe / child windows (see #3159) thanks @eramdam!

  • Rework how components self-reference in extension scenarios (see #3236); should fix a bunch of subtle bugs around patterns like & + &

  • Fix keyframes not receiving a modified stylis instance when using something like stylis-plugin-rtl (see #3239)

  • Big performance gain for components using style objects (see #3239)

  • We no longer emit dynamic classNames for empty rulesets, so some className churn may occur in snapshots

  • Preallocate global style placement to ensure cGS is consistently inserted at the top of the stylesheet; note that this is done in runtime order so, if you have multiple cGS that have overlapping styles, ensure they're defined in code in the sequence you would want them injected (see #3239)

  • Add "engines" to package.json (currently set to Node 10, the oldest supported LTS distribution) (see #3201) thanks @MichaelDeBoey!

Finally, special thanks to @willheslam for testing and some last minute fixes on this release!


We are planning to release 5.2 on September 2/3, please help us test!

yarn add styled-components@test
  • Preallocate global style placement to ensure cGS is consistently inserted at the top of the stylesheet; note that this is done in runtime order so, if you have multiple cGS that have overlapping styles, ensure they're defined in code in the sequence you would want them injected (see #3239)

    NOTE: This is a behavioral change and might require adjustment in your codebase if you have many createGlobalStyle components in use. We do not think it will affect the majority of projects other than fix existing bugs.

  • createGlobalStyle is now React.StrictMode compliant

  • Make sure StyleSheetManager renders all styles in iframe / child windows (see #3159) thanks @eramdam!

  • Rework how components self-reference in extension scenarios (see #3236); should fix a bunch of subtle bugs around patterns like & + &

  • Fix keyframes not receiving a modified stylis instance when using something like stylis-plugin-rtl (see #3239)

  • Big performance gain for components using style objects (see #3239)

  • We no longer emit dynamic classNames for empty rulesets, so some className churn may occur in snapshots

  • Add "engines" to package.json (currently set to Node 10, the oldest supported LTS distribution) (see #3201) thanks @MichaelDeBoey!

New Functionality

  • Implement shouldForwardProp API for native and primitive platforms, which was previously missing in [v5.1.0] (see #3093) This has been released under a patch bump instead of a minor, since it's only been missing from Native-support.


  • Added useTheme hook to named exports for react-primitives entrypoint (see #2982) thanks @jladuval!
  • Escape every CSS ident character necessary when converting component display names to class names (see #3102) thanks @kripod!


New Functionality

  • Add shouldForwardProp API (almost the same as emotion's, just a slightly different usage pattern);

    Sometimes when composing multiple higher-order components together, it's possible to get into scenarios when multiple layers consume props by the same name. In the past we've introduced various workarounds for popular props like "as" but this power-user API allows for more granular customization of what props are passed down to descendant component children when using the styled() HOC wrapper.

    When combined with other APIs like .attrs() this becomes a very powerful constellation of abilities.

    Here's how you use it:

    const Comp = styled('div').withConfig({
      shouldForwardProp: (prop, defaultValidatorFn) => !['filterThis'].includes(prop),
      color: red;
    render(<Comp filterThis="abc" passThru="def" />);
    # Renders: <div className="[generated]" passThru="def"></div>

    The second argument defaultValidatorFn is what we use internally to validate props based on known HTML attributes. It's provided so you can filter exactly what props you don't wish to pass and then fall-back to the default filtering mechanism if desired.

    Other methods on the styled HOC like .attrs can be chained after withConfig(), and before opening your template literal:

    const Comp = styled('div').withConfig({
      shouldForwardProp: (prop, defaultValidatorFn) => !['filterThis'].includes(prop),
    }).attrs({ className: 'foo' })`
      color: red;
    render(<Comp filterThis="abc" passThru="def" />);
    # Renders: <div className="[generated] foo" passThru="def"></div>

    Thanks @stevesims and all that contributed!

  • Add "transient props" API;

    Think of transient props as a lightweight, but complementary API to shouldForwardProp. Because styled-components allows any kind of prop to be used for styling (a trait shared by most CSS-in-JS libraries, but not the third party library ecosystem in general), adding a filter for every possible prop you might use can get cumbersome.

    Transient props are a new pattern to pass props that are explicitly consumed only by styled components and are not meant to be passed down to deeper component layers. Here's how you use them:

    const Comp = styled.div`
      color: ${props => props.$fg || 'black'};
    render(<Comp $fg="red">I'm red!</Comp>);

    Note the dollar sign ($) prefix on the prop; this marks it as transient and styled-components knows not to add it to the rendered DOM element or pass it further down the component hierarchy.


  • Fix slow SSR Rehydration for malformed CSS and increase fault-tolerance (see #3018)

  • Change isPlainObject (internal method) to support objects created in a different context (see #3068) thanks @keeganstreet!

  • Add support for the <video disablePictureInPicture> (see #3058) thanks @egdbear!


  • Added useTheme hook to named exports for react native (#2982)

  • Performance enhancements

    • Refactored hashing function that is a bit faster in benchmarks (#2983)
    • Fixed a bitwise math issue that was causing SSR performance degradations due to how we allocate typed arrays under the hood (#2996)
  • Added some helpful new dev-time warnings for antipatterns

    • Recommending against usage of css @import inside createGlobalStyle and what to do instead (#2997)
    • Catching and warning against dynamic creation of styled-components inside other component render paths (#2998)


It's finally here!!! 🚀See the migrating to v5 FAQ page for easy upgrade instructions!

Read the v5 release announcement!


  • 19% smaller bundle size
  • 18% faster client-side mounting
  • 17% faster updating of dynamic styles
  • 45% faster server-side rendering
  • RTL support

...and much more all, with no breaking changes!

NOTE: At this time we recommend not using @import inside of createGlobalStyle. We're working on better behavior for this functionality but it just doesn't really work at the moment and it's better if you just embed these imports in your HTML index file, etc.


  • StyleSheetManager enhancements

    • you can now supply stylis plugins like stylis-plugin-rtl; <StyleSheetManager stylisPlugins={[]}>...</StyleSheetManager>
    • disableVendorPrefixes removes autoprefixing if you don't need legacy browser support; <StyleSheetManager disableVendorPrefixes>...</StyleSheetManager>
    • disableCSSOMInjection forces using the slower injection mode if other integrations in your runtime environment can't parse CSSOM-injected styles; <StyleSheetManager disableCSSOMInjection>...</StyleSheetManager>

  • Removed the "subfunction" attrs syntax that was deprecated in v4

    styled.div.attrs({ role: p => p.onClick ? 'button' : '' })`
      color: red;


    styled.div.attrs(p => ({ role: p.onClick ? 'button' : '' }))`
      color: red;
  • Update css-to-react-native to v3.0.0 (#2811); the one breaking change noted is that unitless line height is no longer allowed when setting font properties

  • disallow /ad/i in generated class names (#2837); this change primarily helps to avoid some overly aggressive ad blockers that will mangle generated classnames containing the substring "ad"

  • if you use styled-components from CDN, in v5 the "react-is" dependency was added (make sure you add this to your project)


This should be the last RC before general v5 release in a week or two!

NOTE: If you've been testing this stylisPlugins functionality with the stylis-rtl plugin, please switch from stylis-rtl to stylis-plugin-rtl.

  • make useTheme cleaner (#2879) props @sayjeyhi
  • unnecessary flattening and interleave of css without interpolations @vepor
  • switch back to mainline hoist-non-react-statics (#2934) …
  • use funding field instead of post install script (#2931) props @koba04
  • fix usage of nested stylesheetmanagers in SSR
  • expose version in API (#2888) props @jamesarmenta
  • refactor stylis management (#2936)


Note: we've switched from canary to v5 as the target branch for the new release. It's basically the same, but fixed up so it'll merge cleanly onto master.

Changes from rc.1:

  • fix a few missed cases where attrs were not preferred over props (d2f4509)
  • remove the theme usage dev-time check (df36f93); this was done in master already, just forward-porting
  • aggregate classNames passed via attrs (#2859, 12a9f3c)
  • replace rehydration from CSSOM with progressive regex (#2872)


Changes from rc.0:

  • Inline mixin-deep so it is transpiled consistently for IE


We're almost there! After several months of work (thank you beta testers!) this is the first v5 release candidate build.

Overall v5 changes:

  • Major performance and bundle size improvements over v4, see the announcement blog for more details!

  • StyleSheetManager enhancements

    • you can now supply stylis plugins like stylis-rtl; <StyleSheetManager stylisPlugins={[]}>...</StyleSheetManager>
    • disableVendorPrefixes removes autoprefixing if you don't need legacy browser support; <StyleSheetManager disableVendorPrefixes>...</StyleSheetManager>
    • disableCSSOMInjection forces using the slower injection mode if other integrations in your runtime environment can't parse CSSOM-injected styles; <StyleSheetManager disableCSSOMInjection>...</StyleSheetManager>

  • Removed the "subfunction" attrs syntax that was deprecated in v4

    styled.div.attrs({ role: p => p.onClick ? 'button' : '' })`
      color: red;


    styled.div.attrs(p => ({ role: p.onClick ? 'button' : '' }))`
      color: red;

Changes since the last beta:

  • disallow /ad/i in generated class names (#2837); this change primarily helps to avoid some overly aggressive ad blockers that will mangle generated classnames containing the substring "ad"

  • Update css-to-react-native to v3.0.0 (#2811); the one breaking change noted is that unitless line height is no longer allowed when setting font properties

  • replace merge-anything with mixin-deep (#2838); saving bytes, this is used when merging defaultProps for extended styled components

  • shard createGlobalStyle by runtime instance (#2824); cGS is implemented such that it's really meant to be used as a singleton, but it's not uncommon for people to have multiple instances of the same cGS component on the page at once. This change ensures that as instances and mounted and removed the existing global styles don't get removed as well

  • memoize theme (#2820); a minor performance tweak when ThemeProvider is given a reference-equal theme prop

  • make ThemeProvider error straightforward (#2787); more obvious messaging that the theme prop is required when using ThemeProvider


  • Fix styled-components's react-native import for React Native Web, by @fiberjw (see #2797)

  • Remove dev-time warning if referencing a theme prop without an outer ThemeProvider, the check for it isn't smart enough to handle cases with "or" or ternary fallbacks and creates undesirable noise in various third party integrations




This is the last minor release before v5, please start using the beta and give us feedback!

This is a minor release not a patch release due to this change: #2738. Apologies if this causes some code churn in your projects, it was a long-standing bug that needed fixing.

  • Fix to use ownerDocument instead of global document, by @yamachig (see #2721)

  • Backport fix for SSR classname mismatches in development mode for some environments like next.js (see #2701)

  • Fix attrs not properly taking precedence over props

  • Backport fix where classnames are composed in the wrong order if custom class names are passed in (see #2760)

  • Fix add check for style tag detached - sheet in the style tag is null in this case, by @newying61 (see #2707)


  • attrs should take precedence over props (#2737)
  • Use ownerDocument instead of global document (#2726) props @yamachig
  • show the multi instance warning for all envs (#2663)
  • Get rid of the ThemeProvider single child context restriction (#2708) props @vkrol
  • Update error message with clickable link. (#2702) props @unixchad
  • memoize createGlobalStyle for performance


  • add lightweight dev warning when theme is consumed but not provided (#2655)

  • fix component selectors + css prop usage (#2656)

5.0.0-beta.7 was unpublished due to a build error


  • remove the concept of foldedComponentIds (#2652); fixes an issue where if a folded component itself is used later in the component tree than the folding result it could lead to specificity clashes

  • bump too many classes warning back up to 200 (7af8e12bc32e44ea977e3e9fa6d45b6fdfd3a4e2)

  • revise & simplify how we determine the theme, fix createGlobalStyle HMR and behavior around defaultProps.theme (#2647)


  • switched from stylis to @emotion/stylis (#2640); mostly a bundle size win and a minor performance boost

  • removed "stylisOptions" prop from StyleSheetManager, but reimplemented the ability to remove vendor prefixes as "disableVendorPrefixes"

  • disable ComponentStyle staticness in non-production modes (#2634); should help fix some cases where className mismatches happen in runtimes like next.js dev mode

  • lower the threshold for the "too many classes" warning to 50 (#2622); the previous limit was 200, probably much too high



Fix usage of the "css" prop with the styled-components babel macro (relevant to CRA 2.x users), by @jamesknelson (see #2633)


Fixes the "stream" module not getting properly DCE'd for browser build targets


Fixes HMR (#2623)


fix inconsistency between client & server that breaks rehydration (#2621)


  • Remove deprecated object-form attrs functionality
  • Internal refactor to remove some unnecessary code


  • Revert #2586; breaks rehydration in dev for certain runtimes like next.js

We'll explore reintroducing it in v5 but better safe than sorry.


  • Make it possible to initialize SC_ATTR and SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY via REACT_APP_* .env variables for easier integration with CRA applications (see #2501)

  • Fix components being folded inappropriately when an interim HOC is present (see #2586)

  • Fix theme prop for styled native components, also fixes theme in defaultProps for them (see #2576)

  • Add "forwardedAs" prop to allow deeply passing a different "as" prop value to underlying components when using styled() as a higher-order component (see #2580)

  • Implement defaultProps folding (see #2597)


Major thanks to our wonderful contributors!

  • Remove className usage checker dev utility due to excessive false-positive noise in certain runtime environments like next.js and the related warning suppression prop (see #2563).

  • Attach displayName to forwardRef function as described in React docs (see #2508).

  • Compatibility with react-native-web 0.11 (see #2453).

  • Add stack trace to .attrs warning (see #2486).

  • Fix functions as values for object literals. (see 2489)

  • Remove validation in Babel macro, by @mAAdhaTTah (see #2427)


Thanks to our amazing contributors for leading the charge on this big minor release! Awesome perf stuff in there and QOL changes in preparation for v5.

  • Reduced GC pressure when using component selector styles. (see #2424).

  • Add svg tag marker to domElements.js (see #2389)

  • Make the GlobalStyleComponent created by createGlobalStyle call the base constructor with props (see #2321).

  • Move to Mono repository structure with lerna @imbhargav5 (see #2326)

  • Expose StyleSheetContext and StyleSheetConsumer for you fancy babes doing wild stuff

  • Filter suppressClassNameWarning to not to pass down to the wrapped components @taneba (see #2365)

  • Fix an edge case where React would break streaming inside <textarea> elements, which have special child behavior and aren't a suitable place to inject a style tag (see #2413)


Under the hood code cleanup of the Babel macro, by @lucleray (see #2286)


  • Fix function-form attrs to receive the full execution context (including theme) (see #2210)

  • Adjust innerRef deprecation warning to not be fired if wrapping a custom component, since that underlying component may not be on forwardRef yet and actually using the prop (see #2211)

  • Expose the ThemeConsumer and ThemeContext exports for the native and primitives entries (see #2217)

  • Remove createGlobalStyle multimount warning; Concurrent and Strict modes intentionally render the same component multiple times, which causes this warning to be triggered always even when usage is correct in the application (see #2216)

  • Folded components are now targetable via component selector as in v3 if you used the old .extend API (see #2239)

  • Don't treat uppercased strings as tag-like components and don't filter out props from them (see #2225)


  • Put back the try/catch guard around a part of the flattener that sometimes receives undetectable SFCs (fixes an errant hard error in an edge case)


  • Performance optimization for fully static (no function interpolation) styled-components by avoiding using ThemeConsumer since it isn't necessary, by @mxstbr (see #2166)

  • Allow disabling "speedy" mode via global SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY variable, by @devrelm (see #2185)

    To make use of this, you can either set SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY in your app's entry file or use something like webpack.DefinePlugin to do it at build time:

      SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY: true,
  • Attrs can now be passed a function (see #2200); thanks @oliverlaz for providing an early PoC PR for this!


    styled.div.attrs(props => ({ 'aria-title': props.title }))``;
  • Fix the warnTooManyClasses dev helper not being totally dead code eliminated in production (see #2200)

  • Deprecate functions as object keys for object-form attrs (see #2200)


    styled.div.attrs({ 'aria-title': props => props.title })``; // bad
    styled.div.attrs(props => ({ 'aria-title': props.title }))``; // good

    Support for this will be removed in styled-components v5. The primary impetus behind this change is to eliminate confusion around basic functions vs styled-components vs React components provided as values in the object-form attrs constructor, each of which has different handling behaviors. The single outer function to receive the props and then return a props object is conceptually simpler.

  • The standalone CDN build is now UMD-compliant and can be used with RequireJS, etc.

  • Add pixels to unitless numbers when object interpolation is used, by @Fer0x (see #2173)

  • Trying to interpolate a non-styled component into CSS is now a hard error, rather than a warning (see #2173)


  • Interpolating a styled component into a string now returns the static component selector (emotion cross-compat)

    import styled from 'styled-components';
    const Comp = styled.div`
      color: red;
    `${Comp}`; // .sc-hash
  • Add suppressClassNameWarning prop to disable warning when wrapping a React component with styled() and the className isn't used, by @Fer0x (see #2156)

  • Expose ThemeContext to enable static contextType support for React 16.6, by @imbhargav5 (see #2152)

  • Filter out invalid HTML attributes from attrs, by @Fer0x (see #2133)

  • Add warning if an attrs prop is a function that returns an element, by @timswalling (see #2162)